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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Special screenings Queen's Bath

Queen's Bath
Sergio Da Costa, Maya Kosa
2012 - Portugal/Suisse - Couleur - 38'

An exploration of the contradictory feelings of being here and there at the same time. Through the gaze of Elsa, a Portuguese immigrant in Switzerland, the film captures elements of her own personal history while she is back in Caldas Da Rainha, her birthplace. A deeply ironic take on the Last Year in Marienbad model, Queen's Bath is a haunting film about memory and longing, identity and desire.

Photography : Elsa Ventura, Sergio Da Costa
Sound : Estefânio Luis
Editing : Telmo Churro, Sergio Da Costa, Maya Kosa
Production : Pó Films, Maya Kosa (pofilms@yahoo.fr, +41 77 44 66 261)