SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - I Am the People
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 The Films from the 2015 Creative Documentary Master 2 I Am the People

I Am the People ( Je suis le peuple )
Anna Roussillon
2014 - France - Couleur - 112'

In January 2011 in Egypt, anti-government demonstrations brought together tens of thousands of people into the streets of Cairo while the inhabitants of villages in the southern countryside followed events from the Tahrir Square via their television screens or the papers. From the overthrow of Mubarak to the election and then downfall of Mohamed Morsi, the film follows these political upheavals from the point of view of a village in the Luxor Valley. Between hopes and disappointments, people are still waiting for change.

Debate with the director Tuesday, 18 at 9:30 am, Press room.

Image : Anna Roussillon
Son : Jean-Charles Bastion, Térence Meunier
Montage : Saskia Berthod, Chantal Piquet
Production : Haut les mains productions, Narration Films