SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Things that Connect Me with Beings
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Uncertain Viewpoints Things that Connect Me with Beings

Things that Connect Me with Beings ( Choses qui me rattachent aux êtres )
Boris Lehman
2010 - Belgique - Couleur - 15'

The film appears as an inventory, a list put together by Prévert or Perec. Close in spirit to Dada, Oulipo or Fluxus. Since the famous "This is not a pipe" by René Magritte, we know that appearances are deceiving, that words, like images, can be hijacked from their initial function. With me, it's different: my aim is to create the object by the image and the word, by filming it. An act of creation, just as God did. I show the camera a few objects of my daily life having belonged to others, whom I have loved or frequented and I say: "I am the sum of everything which others have given me." What mysterious link can exist between these things? Between these things and me? Boris Lehman

Photography : Antoine-Marie Meert
Sound : Jacques Dapoz
Editing : Ariane Mellet
Production : Dovfilms
Distribution : Dovfilms (lehman.boris@gmail.com, +32 26 49 14 33)