SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Chronicle of a Summer
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 “How do you live?” Edgar Morin’s cinema in actions Chronicle of a Summer

Chronicle of a Summer
Jean Rouch, Edgar Morin
1961 - France - Noir & Blanc - 86'

Filmed in the streets of Paris during the painful crisis of decolonization of Algeria, this film is largely improvised. The characters are created during the shoot based on a simple question: “Are you happy?” Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin then show the rushes to the participants and invite them to deepen their comments. By paying attention to the relationship between those who film and those who are filmed, to the shoot as a revealing experience and by allowing the camera to create situations, Rouch creates a new style that announces the birth of cinema vérité.

Photography : Roger Morillère, Michel Brault, Jean-Jacques Tarbès, Raoul Coutard
Sound : Edmond Barthélémy, Guy Rophe, Michel Fano
Editing : Jean Ravel, Néna Baratier, Françoise Collin
Production : Argos Films
Distribution : Tamasa Distribution (contact@tamasadiffusion.com, +33 (0)1 43 59 01 01)