SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Chronicle of the Stolen Land
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 Reruns Chronicle of the Stolen Land

Chronicle of the Stolen Land
Marie Dault
2020 - France - Couleur - 91'

In Caracas, Venezuela, slum dwellers can obtain land ownership in exchange for the history of their lives in the neighbourhood. Alongside the inhabitants of the barrio Brisas de la Santa Cruz, perched on the highest hill in Caracas, we will see how a Chavez decree allowed the regularization of the gigantic illegally occupied parts of the city and triggered the writing of “chronicles of the barrio”. A popular history of the city’s past finds itself opposite the present, which is gradually plunging the country into the most dramatic crisis in its history.

Photography : Marie Dault
Sound : Marie Dault, Miguel Arias
Editing : Aurélie Ricard, Carole Lepage
Music : Emmanuel Soland
Production : Pays des Miroirs Productions, Tell Me Films