SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Tales of the Madhouse
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Reruns Tales of the Madhouse

Tales of the Madhouse
Claire Angelini
2017 - France - Couleur - 116'

A political fiction. Thanks to Jean-François Rameau, nephew of the famous composer, we discover the four-hundred-year long history of the mental health hospital of Armentières, in the north of France. The film especially recounts the collective epic of an institution which was patiently deconstructed by recent generations of nurses and doctors wishing radical political changes. For the current patients of the hospital, telling this story is an opportunity to free themselves and return to society.

Photography : Claire Angelini, Stéphane Degnieau
Sound : Claire Angelini
Editing : Claire Angelini
Production : La Fabrique