SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Coffea Arábiga
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Doc History: Revolution in Cuba Coffea Arábiga

Coffea Arábiga
Nicolás Guillén Landrián
1968 - Cuba - Noir & Blanc - 18'

This documentary explains the characteristics of the coffee plant, the way it is cultivated, its diseases while at the same time interviewees express opinions and technical information. However the discourse is constantly sabotaged by the editing, subject to a musical counterpoint or to the implicit commentary of superimposed texts. The didactic film suffers a complete implosion, being transformed into an irreverent exercise in creation. As if it were a pop art collage, Guillén Landrián incorporates the most varied tehcniques (still photos, archives, etc.) combined with the sarcastic use of music. A true (banned) masterpiece.

Author : Nicolás Guillén Landrián, Miguel de Zárraga Pedro
Photography : Lupercio López
Sound : Rodolfo Plaza
Editing : Iván Arocha
Music : The Beatles, Jazz Crusaders, Armando Guerra
Production : ICAIC