SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - On Wine, Poetry or Virtue
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 Reruns On Wine, Poetry or Virtue

On Wine, Poetry or Virtue
Margot Dupuis
2020 - France - Couleur - 87'

At the Laborieux du dépliant, there’s no waking up. Or rather, there’s no going to sleep. Accordionists play on around the clock, to escape the fear of missing out. Maybe they’ll wake up, maybe with a hangover. Whichever, as long as we’ve got the drunkenness.

Online on Tënk: 23.08 > 06.09

Photography : Clara Sanz Cuesta, Vincent Pouplard, Margot Dupuis
Sound : Margot Dupuis, Jérémie Halbert
Editing : Agnès Bruckert
Production : Don Quichotte Films, Zarlab, Lyon Capitale TV