SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Spectres Are Haunting Europe
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Viewing experiences Spectres Are Haunting Europe

Spectres Are Haunting Europe ( Fantasmata planiountai pano apo tin Evropi )
Maria Kourkouta, Niki Giannari
2016 - Grèce/France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 99'

The daily life of refugees (Syrians, Kurdish, Pakistani, Afghani, and others) in the camp of Idomeni. People waiting in queues for food, tea and doctors; waiting to cross the border between Greece and Macedonia. One day, Europe closes its borders to them once and for all. As a response, the “residents” of Idomeni decide to occupy the train tracks, blocking the trains that carry goods across the border.

Author : Niki Giannari
Photography : Maria Kourkouta
Sound : André Fèvre
Editing : Maria Kourkouta
Production : Maria Kourkouta, Survivance