SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Dreaming in the Red Light
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 Reruns Dreaming in the Red Light

Dreaming in the Red Light
Pabelle Manikan
2020 - Philippines/France - Couleur - 64'

In Angeles City, the Philippines, a mother, Amy, a former prostitute, and her daughter Tisay, born to a German client, try to resist the siren calls of the famous Red Light District. Amy started working in bars at the age of sixteen and recently decided to try to get by in another way. Tisay has just turned eighteen and would like to follow a different path: have a home, a good job, a boyfriend who loves her, a different life from her mother’s.

Video conference debate with the director.

Author : Wena Sanchez
Photography : Pabelle Manikan
Sound : Pabelle Manikan
Editing : Pabelle Manikan
Production : Pabelle Film Production, Dynamo Production, Lyon Capitale TV