SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Great Flight
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Reruns The Great Flight

The Great Flight ( El gran vuelo )
Carolina Astudillo Muñoz
2014 - Espagne - Noir & Blanc - 60'

In the early years of the Franco dictatorship, Clara Pueyo Jornet, an active militant in the Communist Party, escapes from Les Corts prison in Barcelona by the front door. From that moment, she vanishes without a trace. She sought to escape from the rigidity of her own party. Her story is also the story of the women of her time and their struggle for freedom in a society that tried to repress them.

Editing : Georgia Panagou, Ana Pfaff
Production : Carolina Astudillo Muñoz
Distribution : Playtime audiovisuales
(natalia@playtimeaudiovisuales.com, +34 915 444 888)