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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Doc History: Revolution in Cuba En la otra isla

En la otra isla
Sara Gómez
1968 - Cuba - Noir & Blanc - 41'

Dedicated to Michèle Firk, this middle length film is the portrait of several young people who lived the experience under way on the Isle of Pines, renamed the Isle of Youth. Sara Gómez interviews a group of people removed from the public eye because of profiles that do not correspond to the model of the New Man: a young man condemned for counter-revolutionary activites, a black tenor working in agriculture who has difficulty admitting the racial prejudice which blocked his career, a girl dreaming of becoming a hairdresser, another young man who was obliged to give up a bursary in Czechoslovakia because he refused to cut his hair.

Photography : Luis García
Sound : Germinal Hernández
Editing : Caíta Villalón
Production : ICAIC