SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Working the Woods
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Viewing experiences Working the Woods

Working the Woods
Lola Peuch
2022 - France - Couleur - 45'

From the stage of an open-air theatre in the Bois de Boulogne, Heden, Claudia and Samantha, sex workers, tell the story of the Bois as their workplace. Beyond their stories, the landscapes of the Bois welcome the voice-over of a queer narrator who tells stories. Starting from its creation during the Second Empire, then in full colonial expansion, to better return to the present, she gives an understanding of the Bois as a preserve of French high society where sex workers have made a place for themselves for over a century.

Photography : Victor Zébo
Sound : Bertrand Larrieu, Bruno Ginestet
Editing : Cécile Martinaud
Music : Sina Araghi
Production : Survivance