SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Fengming, a Chinese Memoir
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Rediffusion Fengming, a Chinese Memoir

Fengming, a Chinese Memoir ( He Fengming )
Wang Bing
2009 - Chine/France - Couleur - 230'

Winter in China. A snow shrouded city. Day falls. Wrapped in her coat, a woman advances slowly. She crosses a housing estate then enters her modest apartment. Fengming settles into the armchair in her living room. The camera is placed facing her. She recalls. Her memories bring us back to 1949. Her words, contained for so long, unfold. Thus we begin a crossing of more than thirty years of her life and of this new China...

Photography : Lu Songye, Wang Bing
Sound : Jinguang Shen
Editing : Adam Kerby
Production : WIL Productions, Aeternam Films, Fantasy Pictures
Distribution : Galerie Chantal Crousel (images@crousel.com, +33 (0)1 42 77 38 87)