SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Hombres de Mal Tiempo
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Doc History: Revolution in Cuba Hombres de Mal Tiempo

Hombres de Mal Tiempo
Alejandro Saderman
1968 - Cuba - Noir & Blanc - 31'

Calling on the memory of those who survived the battle of Mal Tiempo, Saderman reconstitutes this key moment of the war of independence (1895-98). But more than the reconstitution of this precise event, he wants to stage a festive exercise around memory. Watching a group of professional actors getting ready to reconstruct history with the aid and precise indications of a group of hundred year old veterans gives the film a texture which is both reflexive and poetic. We savour this miraculous combination of “reality” and illusion, memory and imagination, reason and emotions, history and story without a trace of post-modern indulgence.

Author : Alejandro Saderman, Miguel Barnet
Photography : Rodolfo López
Sound : Eugenio Vesa, Jorge León, Carlos Fernández, Leonardo Sorrell, Germinal Hernández, Raúl García
Editing : Roberto Bravo
Music : Carlos Fariñas
Production : ICAIC