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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Rediffusions I am Chance

I am Chance
Marc-Henri Wajnberg
2022 - Belgique/République démocratique du Congo - Couleur - 85'

I am Chance follows the microcosm of a group of street savvy girls in the surprisingly bright, pop and artistic megacity of Kinshasa. Astute, sassy and resilient, Chancelvie and her friends take on the world, fighting and nurturing, stealing and sharing, turning tricks and making art. Vibrant and exuberant, Kinshasa itself becomes a character in the film, combining its voice with that of the girls.

Photography : Marc-Henri Wajnberg, Ken Nsiona, Nathan Muteba, Elie Mbansing, Paul Shemisi
Sound : Vanaldo Mutonbo Mupindi, Julien Ekutshu Sambu
Editing : Filipa Cardoso, Paul-Jean Vranken
Production : Wajnbrosse productions