SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - It’s Night Outside
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Reruns It’s Night Outside

It’s Night Outside
Caroline Guimbal, Léa Tonnaire
2021 - Belgique - Couleur - 65'

Vanya, Sasha and Denis are in their thirties, they grew up together in Kyiv’s northern suburbs. This winter, their murky past dissolves, leaving them without any bearings. They should probably start building their future… or keep on breathing the blazing freedom of the present.

Photography : Caroline Guimbal
Sound : Caroline Guimbal, Léa Tonnaire
Editing : Caroline Guimbal, Léa Tonnaire, Lenka Fillnerova
Music : Pavel Viry
Production : Dérives, CBA, GSARA