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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Rediffusions Inner Lines

Inner Lines
Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
2022 - Belgique/France - Couleur - 87'

Around Mount Ararat – in Turkey, in Armenia and in High-Karabakh – messengers and their carrier pigeons wander among places destroyed by war. As they wander, they meet Yezidis and Armenians who testify to what they have endured, to their shattered existences, to life fighting against death. Their words tell above all of the violence inflicted by men on other men, a violence that seems eternal.

Photography : Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Sound : Julia Lusinian, Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd, Jean-Luc Fichefet, Alain Cabaux
Editing : Pierre Schlesser
Production : Films d'ici Méditerranée, Cobra films, Czar, WIP, La Lucarne