SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Ipotesi sulla morte di G. Pinelli
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Genoa 2001. A Memory of the Future Ipotesi sulla morte di G. Pinelli

Ipotesi sulla morte di G. Pinelli
Nelo Risi, Elio Petri
1970 - Italie - Noir & Blanc - 13'

The hypotheses expressed by the police on the death of Giuseppe Pinelli, the anarchist who died after falling out of a window at the Milan Police-Headquarters a few days after the piazza Fontana massacre, have been re-constructed in this movie by a group of actors belonged to the Street Theatre Group. Through this reconstruction, it is being emphasized how contradictory these hypoteses are, since it is not difficult to perceive behind them the dark manoeuvring of a strategy whose aim is to destroy democracy in Italy and whose allies can be found even within the bureacratic machine of the State.

Editing : Raimondo Crociani
Production : Unitelefilm