SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - I Remember Nothing
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Viewing experiences I Remember Nothing

I Remember Nothing
Diane Sara Bouzgarrou
2017 - France - Couleur - 59'

December 2010 : the revolution breaks out in Tunisia, my father’s country. At the same time, I am experiencing an intense manic episode. I am diagnosed bipolar and sent to a psychiatric clinic. When I come out of this long depression, I have almost no memories of that time. What remains is dozens of hours of videos, hundreds of photographs, two notebooks full of writings, collages and drawings, precious traces that make up for my amnesia. This film is an attempt to recover my memory.

Photography : Diane Sara Bouzgarrou
Sound : Diane Sara Bouzgarrou
Editing : Agnès Bruckert
Production : Triptyque Films
Distribution : Docks 66 (contact@docks66.com, + 33 (0)1 80 06 03 92)