Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Special Screenings John Cage

John Cage
Klaus Wildenhahn
1966 - RFA - Noir & Blanc - 58'

An ensemble film rather than an hagiography: John Cage during a European tour with Merce Cuningham and his compagny, and with the musicians Gordon Mumma and David Tudor. In Hamburg, in a television studio, the compagny records Variations V, then they go to the Maeght Fondation in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, in France, where John Cage prepares one of his "living situations", and meets the painter Joan Miró. Against all idealisms, Klaus Wildenhahn is interested in artists’ work and economic sitiuation, while Herbert Selk’s direct sound captures chance happenings and "empty words". Rudolf Körösi’s long view and the sensitivity of his focalisation acover the faces and reinvent space, exalting details and letting us get in touch with the people.

Photography : Rudolf Körösi
Sound : Herbert Selk
Editing : Karin Baumhöfner
Music : John Cage
Production : NDR
Distribution : Deutsche Kinemathek (dfoerstner@deutsche-kinematek.de, +49 30 300 903 32)