SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Joseph Plateau, théoricien de l'animation
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Doc History: Belgium Joseph Plateau, théoricien de l'animation

Joseph Plateau, théoricien de l'animation
Françoise Lévie, Pierre Lévie
1978 - Belgique/France - Couleur - 12'

In the nineteenth century, Joseph Plateau from Brussels made the moving images progress in a decisive way with his research into optical. He was passionately fond of stroboscope, formation and distortion of images, colormetry and photometry. In 1834, Plateau discovered persistence of vision and created the Fantascope (or Phénakistiscope). The painter Jean-Baptiste Madou worked with him and became the first drawer of animated strips. Then the Englishman Horner invented the Dedaleum, later known as Zootrope. Von Uchatius, Marey, Muybridge, Edison and Lumière followed Plateau’s traces until the shutter became evident.

Photography : Michel Baudour
Production : Sodep, Sofidoc, Seuil Audiovisuel
Distribution : Archives françaises du film (aff@cnc.fr, +33 (0)1 30 14 80 14)