SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Terror's Advocate
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Sacem day Terror's Advocate

Terror's Advocate
Barbet Schroeder
2007 - France - Couleur - 135'

Communist, anticolonialist, or far right? What convictions guided Jacques Vergès? Barbet Schroeder carries out an enquiry. At the start of the career of this enigmatic lawyer, the Algerian war and Djamilah Bouhired, who carries her people’s desire for liberation. He espouses the woman, and the anticolonialist cause. Then he disappears for eight years. On his return, he defends terrorists from all horizons and monsters of history such as Klaus Barbie. At the limit between the political and the judicial, the film follows the meandering path of the “terror's advocate”.

Photography : Caroline Champetier, Jean-Luc Perréard
Sound : Béatrice Wick, Yves Coméliau, Dominique Hennequin
Editing : Nelly Quettier
Music : Jorge Arriagada
Production : Yalla Films