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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Reruns Impression of a War

Impression of a War ( La impresión de una guerra )
Camilo Restrepo
2015 - France/Colombie - Couleur - 26'

For over seventy years, Colombia has been confronted with internal armed conflict. Over the years, the outlines of the conflict have grown indistinct. Violence and barbarity have worked themselves into every aspect of daily life, and fine traces of it mark the streets. Impression of a War offers a vision of some of those deliberate, accidental, ostensible, fleeting or dissimulated marks. They are often signs of the struggle against oblivion, indifference and impunity.

Author : Sophie Zuber, Camilo Restrepo
Photography : Camilo Restrepo
Sound : Camilo Restrepo
Editing : Bénédicte Cauzaran, Camilo Restrepo
Production : 529 Dragons Production, Camilo Restrepo