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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Viewing experiences La Grande Roue

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La Grande Roue
François Daireaux
2023 - France, Chine - Couleur - 36'

We are in Firozabad, India, in a family glass tube factory. The owner, Devki, founded Bhagwati Glass Enterprise in 1973. He hasn’t been on the production lines for a long time now, confined to his office. In front of him, the door opens and closes, as friends, shopkeepers, workers and lawyers come and go... And he always keeps his eye on the control screen, watching the images from the six surveillance cameras that continuously film the production areas. These blurred, flickering images are his only contact with the harshness of the work of his workers, who produce phenomenal quantities of glass tubes day and night. Traditional know-how and international trade collide. Registers of images intertwine, words emerge and stories are told. People are worried about the future.

Photography : François Daireaux
Sound : François Daireaux
Editing : François Daireaux
Production : François Daireaux