SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Flat Jungle
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Reruns The Flat Jungle

The Flat Jungle ( De platte jungle )
Johan van der Keuken
1978 - Pays-Bas - Couleur - 90'

Waddenzee, the Sea of Wet Lands, is a unique natural phenomenon, a coastal zone which, depending on tides, is alternately sea and land. Johan van der Keuken filmed this “flat jungle”, its fauna and flora as well as its inhabitants. The life of the latter has been profoundly transformed by recent economic, technical and industrial developments in the area. Proj. 16 mm

Photography : Johan van der Keuken
Sound : Menno Euwe, Nosh van der Lely
Editing : Johan van der Keuken, Jan Dop
Production : Lucid Eye films, Association pour la sauvegarde de la mer des Wadden