SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Mourning Rock
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Special screenings Mourning Rock

Mourning Rock ( Agelastos Petra )
Filippos Koutsaftis
2000 - Grèce - Couleur - 85'

Eleusis is a small industrial town, some twenty kilometers west of Athens. Since Antiquity, this town has been linked to the favorite legend of the ancients, the myth of Demeter, goddess of the earth, of agriculture and of fertility in general, and her daughter Persephone. Here where, according to legend, grain, the gift of the goddess, was first cultivated, some of Greece’s largest industries developed with disastrous consequences on the environment and the sanctuary.

Photography : Filippos Koutsaftis
Sound : Belogiannis Charalampidis
Editing : Chronis Theocharis
Music : Konstantinos Vita
Production : Filippos Koutsaftis, Greek Film Center, NET (Nouvelle télévision Grecque)
(filipposkoutsaftis@gmail.com, +30 210 64 28 902)