SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Last Shelter
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Reruns The Last Shelter

The Last Shelter
Ousmane Samassékou
2021 - France/Mali/Afrique du Sud - Couleur - 85'

At the southern edge of the Sahara desert stands The House of Migrants: a safe haven for those on their way to Europe, or those returning home. Here they come to terms with 
their individual migration stories. How do you feel, what do you need, when your dreams 
have been buried in the sand, or when they are waiting to be lived?

Photography : Ousmane Samassékou
Sound : Jean-Marc Schick, Adama Diarra
Editing : Céline Ducreux
Music : Pierre Daven-Keller
Production : Les films du Balibari, DS Productions, STEPS, ARTE G.E.I.E.