SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Newsstand
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 Reruns The Newsstand

The Newsstand
Alexandra Pianelli
2020 - France - Couleur - 78'

The Newsstand is a video diary filmed by Alexandra, a young artist who has come to help her mother who runs a newsstand in a chic Paris neighbourhood. The filmmaker, while fulfilling her old childhood dream of playing at keeping shop, discovers the business of selling newspapers and gets to know the customers. While holding the till of the newsstand, as members of her family have done for a hundred years, Alexandra films the world go by with her telephone. But the printed press is in crisis and this game turns out to be a little more complicated than she expected...

In partnership with the CFDT.

Online on Tënk: 18.08, 19:30 > 19.08, 19:30

Photography : Alexandra Pianelli
Sound : Alexandra Pianelli
Editing : Léa Chatauret
Music : Olaf Hund
Production : Les Films de l'œil sauvage