SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Monde de Paul Delvaux
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Doc History: Belgium Le Monde de Paul Delvaux

Le Monde de Paul Delvaux
Henri Storck
1944 - Belgique - Noir & Blanc - 11'

"This is the first encounter between Henri Storck and the film on art. In this cinematographic poem, the director instinctively felt what would be his constant guideline: the painting was king. A meditation, incantation, eulogy, this setting in motion of an immobile world releases the sensuality of these big, beautiful and absent women and the psychoanalytical resonances of the painter's universe. In a flourish of audacity, the director chooses to film in black and white and this loss of colour, which one would expect to signify the death of the painting, imparts another dimension, secret, that of a reading where meaning is more important than pictorial." (Fonds Henri Storck)

Photography : Henri Storck, Albert Putteman
Sound : Teisseire
Editing : Henri Storck
Music : André Souris
Production : Séminaire des Arts
Distribution : Fonds Henri Storck (info@fondshenristorck.be, +32 (0)2 219 63 33)