SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Pacte d’Alep
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Rediffusions Le Pacte d’Alep

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Le Pacte d’Alep
Karim Serjieh
2022 - Syrie, France, Qatar - Couleur - 103'

Shot in Aleppo between the first demonstrations in 2011 and the evacuation of the besieged city in 2016, the film traces the filmmaker’s personal journey as both actor and witness to an impossible revolution in Syria. It explores the dilemma of staying or leaving, the consequences of this choice and the preservation of his identity in the face of the chaos of war.

Photography : Karim Serjieh
Sound : Emmanuel Soland
Editing : François Sculier
Music : Serge Leonardi
Production : Caractères Productions