SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Odyssées de Sami
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Viewing experiences Les Odyssées de Sami

Les Odyssées de Sami
Robin Dimet
2022 - France/Ethiopie - Couleur - 68'

Sami lives in Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia. Sixty odd years old, a scholar, he has just finished a translation into Amharic of a book on Greco-Roman mythology. But above all, Sami is homeless and must survive in the megalopolis. His obsession is getting his anthology published… Alone, will he finally be able to succeed?

Photography : Robin Dimet
Sound : Marie Averty, Ludovic Elias
Editing : Mauricio Lleras, Sandra Ach
Production : Les Films de l'œil sauvage