SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Lovely Weather Every Day
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Rediffusions Lovely Weather Every Day

Lovely Weather Every Day ( Alle dagen even mooi )
Digna Sinke
2013 - Pays-Bas - Couleur - 26'

For over a century, it was the way to stay in touch, but the era of the picture postcard is over. Director Digna Sinke collected them: postcards to herself and relatives, but also to unknown people. In this sober ode, starting in 1905, the camera eye calmly passes over the cards, and hence over the years. Initially, the texts also deal with practical matters, but gradually the tone and content change. Just like the destinations, which become increasingly exotic.

Editing : Digna Sinke
Music : Digna Sinke
Production : SNG Film BV
(sngfilm@xs4all.nl, +31 20 686 78 37)