SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Lynn & Paris
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Une histoire de production : Les Films du Balibari Lynn & Paris

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Lynn & Paris
Arno Bitschy
2021 - France - Couleur - 76'

A homeless German couple arrive in Lyon, their van has broken down and coronavirus has just hit the planet. Lynn and Paris love each other passionately, they want a child, they dream of a fantastical future in this deserted city that belongs to them. In this world on the brink of collapse, cracks appear in their bubble of happiness : Paris’s health is fragile, he still carries the demons of his past and the obstacles they must overcome in order to settle down are numerous. This is a dystopian romance. And love is all Lynn and Paris have.

Photography : Arno Bitschy
Sound : Arno Bitschy
Editing : Catherine Rascon
Production : Point du Jour – Les Films du Balibari