SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Mbëkk mi, le souffle de l'océan
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Villages and Home Projections Mbëkk mi, le souffle de l'océan

Mbëkk mi, le souffle de l'océan
Sophie Bachelier
2012 - France - Noir & Blanc - 52'

Mbëkk mi… Two words of Wolof which evoke the experience of clandestine emigration. The expression beats, echoing the pirogues which throw themselves against the ocean waves and which, are often wrecked at the end of their journeying. But Mbëkk mi is above all the refusal to resign oneself to the deadly blows of an unjust destiny. If these young Senegalese men in their prime pit themselves against so many perils, it’s in the hope of finding a better life. What happens on the other side of this disaster? The “wretched of the sea” leave their loved ones behind — their wives, their mothers. It is these women’s unique voices that are heard in this documentary. Speaking starkly straight to the camera, we can hear their moving and dignified voices.

Photography : Sophie Bachelier
Sound : Sophie Bachelier
Editing : Sophie Bachelier
Production : Sophie Bachelier
Distribution : Sophie Bachelier (contact@sophiebachelier.com)