SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Us Women/Them Women
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Special Screenings Us Women/Them Women

Us Women/Them Women ( Nosotras/Ellas )
Julia Pesce
2015 - Argentine - Couleur - 65'

Nine women. An old house brimming with family history. Unrepeatable moments are happening: this is the last summer of them together. The oldest women will no longer be around whilst a new generation begins to grow. Over a year, Julia Pesce films her sisters and the immutable bond that connects them, a secret society from which men appear to be held distant.

Photography : Julia Pesce
Sound : Federico Disandro
Editing : Lucía Torres
Production : El Calefón Cine
(distribucion.elcalefon@gmail.com, +549 351 2943952)