SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Let’s Say Revolution
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Reruns Let’s Say Revolution

Let’s Say Revolution
Nicolas Klotz, Elisabeth Perceval
2021 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 126'

Let’s Say Revolution is a shamanic documentary whose common thread is manhunt across eras and continents and whose driving force is dance as an art of war and healing to ward off, and organize the resistance of bodies and souls. From Barcelona to São Paulo via Brazzaville, over the course of our encounters, the film bears witness to fleeting strategies, the escapes sought by women and men who are hunted or displaced, in order to survive. In the presence of the directors.

Photography : Nicolas Klotz
Sound : Mikaël Barre
Editing : Nicolas Klotz
Music : Ulysse Klotz
Production : Unexpected Films, Centre Pompidou