SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nous le peuple
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Special screenings Nous le peuple

Nous le peuple
Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard
2019 - France - Couleur - 99'

Their names are Fanta, Joffrey, Soumeya… They are in prison, in high school, at work. They do not know each other and communicate by video messages. What they have in common is the slightly crazy project of writing a new Constitution. Over nearly a year, they share the joy and difficulties of thinking together. They will rediscover the meaning of the word “politics”. They imagine other rules of the game. This adventure will lead them to the National Assembly.

Debate led by Edwy Plenel. In the presence of Dominique Cabrera, representative of the Commercy collective, Claudine Bories and Patrice Chagnard.

Photography : Patrice Chagnard
Sound : Pierre Carrasco
Editing : Emeline Gendrot
Production : Ex Nihilo, Les Films du Parotier