SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - No Man Is an Island
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Direct cinema – still possible? / Seminar No Man Is an Island

No Man Is an Island
Dominique Marchais
2017 - France - Couleur - 96'

This film is a journey around Europe, from the Mediterranean to the Alps where we discover men and women working locally to bring alive the spirit of democracy and to produce a landscape of good government. From the farmers of Le Galline Felici cooperative in Sicily to the architects, craftspeople and elected officials in the Swiss Alps or from Vorarlberg in Austria, all are engaged in a politics based on their work and all think in terms of a shared destiny. Could the local be the last territory of utopia?

Photography : Claire Mathon, Sébastien Buchman
Sound : Mikael Kandelman, Marc Von Stürler, Emanuele Giunta, Mikaël Barre
Editing : Jean-Christophe Hym
Production : Zadig Productions, TV5 Monde