SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nowhere Before
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Reruns Nowhere Before

Nowhere Before
Emmanuel Falguières
2018 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 200'

I asked three women: “When will the wind come up?” And, like the Magi, they reached out their hands which carried three gifts. Family movies from the forties. A book of poems. A musical piece. I accepted each gift and placed them all on my desk. They exuded a heady scent of peat and salt. Then I travelled back down to the roots, to meet the women’s voices.

Conversation between Emmanuel Falguières and Christiane Veschambre at 14:45, Salle des fêtes.

Photography : Emmanuel Falguières
Sound : Emmanuel Falguières
Editing : Emmanuel Falguières, Marie Bottois
Music : Frédéric Lagnau
Production : entre2prises