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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Doc History: Revolution in Cuba Ociel del Toa

Ociel del Toa
Nicolás Guillén Landrián
1965 - Cuba - Noir & Blanc - 16'

Guillén Landrián focuses here on the river Toa in the eastern part of the island, and on the men who live and work there, in particular Ociel, a sixteen year old boy who guides us from his personal world to his family, to the characters in the area and all the tranquillity of the river he skims around on his cayuca. This world is being slowly transformed by the revolution. An education assembly is organised each Sunday, but belonging to the communist youth does not prevent accompanying one’s aunt to mass. From birth to death, there is also lots of room for dance and sensuality but it does seem that cock fights are about to disappear…

Author : Nicolás Guillén Landrián, Luis Roca
Photography : Livio Delgado
Sound : Rodolfo Plaza
Editing : Caíta Villalón
Production : ICAIC