SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Days with Him
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Reruns The Days with Him

The Days with Him
Maria Clara Escobar
2014 - Brésil - Couleur - 107'

A young filmmaker plunges into the unknown past of her almost unknown father. He, a Brazilian intellectual, imprisoned and tortured during the military dictatorship, is silent about this since that time. A father and a fatherland that do not like to answer any questions, that love but rarely talk. In her first feature, Maria Clara Escobar faces up to the discoveries and frustrations on accessing the memory of a father and of a time in the Brazilian history that are rarely public.

Image : Maria Clara Escobar
Son : Maria Clara Escobar
Montage : Juliana Rojas, Julia Murat
Production : Filmes de Abril, Aeroplano Filmes, klaxon Cultura Audiovisual