SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - A Little Family Conversation
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Case Study: VOD A Little Family Conversation

A Little Family Conversation
Hélène Lapiower
1999 - France/Belgique - Couleur - 67'

Hélène Lapiower questions members of her family, Jews of the Diaspora who fled antisemitism and Poland, converted to Buddhism, Islam or holders of a tradition that they see diluting generation after generation. Between Belgium and the United States, in Yiddish, English and French, the filmmaker and actress picks up the words of a family who bears each day the terrible weight of History.

Photography : Hélène Lapiower
Sound : Jean-Guy Véran
Editing : Hélène Lapiower, Anne Weil, Anita Fernandez
Production : Margo films, Paradise films
(contact@margo-films.com, +33 (0)1 47 07 34 12)
Sortie en France : 14/06/2000 — 8 038 spectateurs (6 copies)