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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Doc history : Colombia Planas, testimonio de un etnocidio

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Planas, testimonio de un etnocidio
Marta Rodríguez, Jorge Silva
1971 - Colombie - Noir & Blanc - 37'

Planas, a region in southern Colombia, is inhabited by the Guahíbo, an Indigenous community whose economy is reliant on hunting, fishing and agriculture. Since colonial times, they have been exterminated and persecuted by settlers seeking to take control of their lands and exploit them for labor. In the early seventies, Rafael Jaramillo Ulloa organized the Indigenous community around an agricultural cooperative to defend their rights and enable them to control the trade of their products. The government accused them of subversion and launched a military operation to “protect” the settlers and foreign companies.

Photography : Jorge Silva
Editing : Marta Rodríguez
Music : Indigenous groups Sikuane y Guhagibos
Production : Gustavo Pérez (ICODES - Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Social), Fundación Cine Documental