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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Viewing Experiences Poetics of the Brain

Poetics of the Brain
Nurith Aviv
2015 - Israël/France - Couleur - 66'

Childhood photos from Nurith Aviv’s family album evoke memories and reflections, which lead her to encounters with researchers in neuroscience. In Poetics of the Brain she weaves associative links between her personal biographical stories and the scientists’ accounts of their work. They discuss topics partly related to her previous films: memory, bilingualism, reading, mirror-neurons, smell, traces of experience.

« Brouillon d’un rêve » grant recipient

Photography : Nurith Aviv, Sophie Cadet, Itai Marom
Sound : Michael Goorevich, Matthieu Tartamella
Editing : Amir Borenstein, Laure Saint-Marc
Production : Les Films d’ici, 24 Images production, Laïla Films, KTO, ZDF, Arte