SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Reconstructions de rêves
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Reruns Reconstructions de rêves

Reconstructions de rêves ( Álommásolatok )
Miklós Erdély
1977 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 93'

Miklós Erdély was a Hungarian architect, artist, writer and cineaste, a key figure among the neo-avant-garde circles of Budapest from the seventies to the eighties. In Álommásolatok, Erdély attempts to represent the unrepresentable. In three different sequences, we see three people trying to reconstitute their dreams. The film delves into the relation between personal experience and interpersonal communication by mobilising the tools of cinema and optics. It uses experimental montage techniques to imitate and portray the functioning of the unconscious. (F. R.)

Photography : Gábor Dobos
Sound : Béla Prohászka
Editing : Mária Miklós
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió
Distribution : National Film Institute Hungary (info.filmarchiv@nfi.hu)