SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Fire at Sea
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 The films from the 2016 Creative Documentary Master 2 Fire at Sea

Fire at Sea ( Fuocoammare )
Gianfranco Rosi
2015 - France/Italie - Couleur - 109'

Samuele is twelve and lives on an island, far away from the mainland. He goes to school and loves hunting with his slingshot. He likes terrestrial games, even though everything around him speaks of the sea and the men, women and children who try to cross it to get to his island. For his home is not like other islands. This island is Lampedusa and has become a highly symbolic European border, crossed by thousands of migrants longing for freedom these past twenty years.

Image : Gianfranco Rosi
Son : Gianfranco Rosi
Montage : Jacopo Quadri
Production : Stemal Entertainment, 21Uno Film, Les Films d'Ici, Arte France Cinéma
Distribution : Météore films (films@meteore-films.fr, +33 (0) 1 42 54 96 20)