SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Return to Berlin
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Memories of territories Return to Berlin

Return to Berlin
Arnaud Lambert
2014 - France - Couleur - 43'

This films attempts to evoke the experience described by historian Jean-Michel Palmier as he visited Berlin in the seventies, when the city still bore many visible scars of the war. It is a confrontation between two periods, two journeys. One is literally to Berlin, in Palmier’s footsteps, his voice echoing on images of the city today. The other journey is bound for an indeterminate elsewhere, seeking the inner landscape dear to the author. Two ways of understanding why certain places, because they are weighty with the past and suffering, elicit fascination and mystery.

Photography : Arnaud Lambert
Sound : Bruno Bélanger
Editing : Agnès Mouchel, Arnaud Lambert
Production : Macalube Films, Keren Production, Lyon Capitale TV