SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Symphonie paysanne
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Rediffusions Symphonie paysanne

Symphonie paysanne
Henri Storck
1944 - Belgique - Noir & Blanc - 115'

"The idea of this film originated in 1936. I'd always thought it was important to show city dwellers the hard work of peasants, just as I showed them that of Borinage miners or Ostende fishermen. I like these anonymous and often scorned peasants because they are men struggling against real difficulties, who are intimately in tune with the rhythm of the seasons. They do not struggle against the stupidity of men or their nastiness, but against the whims of weather, frost, drought, the diseases of plants and animals and the result of this effort is the supreme reward: they create life." (Henri Storck, 1946)

Photography : Henri Storck, François Rents, Maurice Delattre, Charles Abel
Sound : José Lebrun
Editing : Henri Storck
Music : Pierre Moulaert
Production : CEP (Cinéma-Édition-Production)
Distribution : Fonds Henri Storck (info@fondshenristorck.be, +32 (0)2 219 63 33)