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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Doc History: Belgium Parched Land

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Parched Land
Charles Dekeukeleire
1934 - Belgique - Noir & Blanc - 60'

Parched Land was indeed a very ambitious project: revealing "true" Africa, rigorously and sincerely, independently too. Showing nature and men caught and merged together in the same poetic impetus. The hyperbolic comment by Paul Werrie, a radio journalist of that time, stresses the author’s premise, in a lyrically biological text, which sometimes borders on fascist thought.

Photography : François Rents
Sound : Philippe Couessin
Editing : Charles Dekeukeleire
Music : Louis Wins
Production : Charles Dekeukeleire
Distribution : Cinémathèque royale de Belgique (access@cinematek.be, +32 (0)2 551 19 03)